We have moved on... 
...but you can still access the page you seek
Made on a Mac

AntiguaToday.com was the brainchild of artist and moviemaker Nick Maley who lived in Antigua for 20 years. Nick is known worldwide as “thatYodaGuy” because of his involvement in building Yoda for Star Wars.

When Nick and his wife Gloria moved on to build a movie museum in St Maarten, this site was no longer maintained. Although the pages still remain, the links to access them have changed.

Broken links: many pages on the internet link to pages on AntiguaToday.com. These are broken due to changes in the host server.

To access a specific page: Look at the URL you requested. Highlight the first part which says

“http://AntiguaToday.com/”, (leave the rest of the URL). Replace “http://AntiguaToday.com/” with...


example: if you were trying to access...

http://AntiguaToday.com/tour/ then you should replace the URL with...


ENTER the home page of the old site here

This site is no longer maintained THERE WILL BE BROKEN LINKS

this domain name IS for sale.  email sellAntiguaToday (at) netdwellers.com